asystent w jednostce Instytut Językoznawstwa
Pradeep Kumar
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Koordynowane przedmioty
2023/24-L - Intercultural Communication in Business 1.S3.EPC.EB.5
2024/25-Z - Business conflict and negotiations 1.2.5-EC-BCN
2024/25-Z - Negotiation skills for specific purposes 1.S3.EP.PP.24
2024/25-Z - The Other in Business Communication 1.S3.EPC.EB.2
2024/25-Z - The Other in Public Communication 1.S3.EPC.EM.2
2024/25-L - Fundamentals of economics 2 1.S3.EP.PP.BE.2
2024/25-L - Intercultural Communication in Business 1.S3.EPC.EB.5
2024/25-L - Intercultural Communication in Institutions 1.S3.EPC.EM.5