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Family Studies

About study program

Code: 5-KRK-NOR-Z3
Name: Family Studies
System of studies: extramural
Type of studies: licencjat
Duration: 3 years
Fields, specialties and specializations studied along all paths of study program Common fields
of study:
Family Studies
Fields, specialties and specializations studied along some paths of study program (related to specific stages). Optional fields
of study:
Faculties offering this study program Departments: Faculty of Theology (od 1990/91) [ other study programs ]

If you are interested in specific individual requirements for your current stage of studies, see the promotions module:

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Primary study paths

Extra information

Access requirements:

Competition of certificate of full secondary education

Possible certificates:
  • (in Polish) Licencjat z nauk o rodzinie
Professional status:

Graduates of 3-year undergraduate (Bachelor's) studies have interdisciplinary knowledge of issues involving marriage and family, and knowledge in the area of psychology and education, social and legal sciences, biomedicine and philosophy and theology. They know a foreign language at the B2 level of the European Framework for Language Competence established by the Council of Europe.

Obtained knowledge authorises graduates to work in different spheres of social life related to prevention and family affairs, in particular: specialists in the field of social prevention; counsellors and consultants in marital and family counselling centres and social institutions of family assistance. After obtaining the Master's degree, graduates have qualifications enabling them to complete training of a probation officer.

Graduates are qualified to work in the following units: institutions dealing with social prevention; family counselling establishments; educational establishments; care and rehabilitation establishments; social service agencies; social aid institutions; healthcare centres; local government agencies; and social prevention institutions. They are also qualified to work with the disabled, chronically and terminally ill patients and their family members.

In addition, entitle a graduate studies after completing additional educational specialisation, to work as teachers in preparing children and young people for marriage and family life, and ethics in primary schools and middle schools. Graduates are fully prepared to take up graduate studies.

Access to further study:

passibility to apply for admission to stationary MA (2-level) studies

Program requirements:

Resolution no. 122/2006 of Main Board of Higher Education dated Dec. 4, 2006 and compliant with art. 2, sect. 1, of the higher education act dated July 27, 2005 (Dz. U. Nr 164, poz. 1365 z późn. zm.)

The student is required to complete all courses as set forth in the study program. For a course to be completed, a positive grade has to be obtained.

During the last two semesters, the student has to write a graduate thesis and to successfully defend it before the Faculty Examining Board while taking the final graduation examination. The final grade entered on the diploma is meant to be interpreted as follows: in 1/2, it is the arithmetic mean of all examination grades and those obtained from classes entered in the student's transcript, in 1/4, it is the grade awarded for the graduate thesis, and in 1/4, it is the grade obtained at the final graduate examination.

The studies on a wide range of psychological, pedagogical, biomedical, sociological, legal, philosophical and anthropological knowledge, including theological issues pertaining to family.

Psychological, pedagogical, and biomedical knowledge helps to understand profoundly the psychological conditioning of individual and social behavior, explains the human functioning in family systems and teaches how to offer social aid.

Lectures in sociology and law help in becoming familiar with social aspects pertaining to the family, provide information about the activities performed by governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations, pro-family policy, as well as legal aspects of family assistance. Philosophical, anthropological, and theological courses give solid scholarly foundations for better understanding of man, help realize the wealth and variety of human thinking about the world and encourage the students to become engaged in ethical culture-producing activities.

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