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Courses for short-term studies (course group defined by University of Opole)

Faculty: University of Opole Courses displayed below are part of group defined by this faculty, but this faculty is not necessarily the one that organizes these courses. Read Help for more information on this subject.
Course group: Courses for short-term studies
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2023/24-Z - Winter semestr 2023/2024
2023/24-L - Summer semestr 2023/2024
2024/25-Z - Winter semestr 2024/2025
2024/25-L - Summer semestr 2024/2025
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2023/24-Z 2023/24-L 2024/25-Z 2024/25-L
02.06-S2-EN-ASA n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024

Brief description

The aim of the course is to enable the students to use the statistical theory and quantitative analysis software (SPSS) together with online surveying software (LimeSurvey) to conduct their own statistical analysis for typical purposes of social science. The course is design in two parallel paths: the laboratory work with the data and software and the theoretical workshops for the statistical theory. Both descriptive and inferential statistics are used for a comprehensive understanding of the quantitative inquiry. The elements of data collecting and preparation are included so that the students are able to understand the whole process of data analysis, including the understanding of the role of the design of the measurement tools and data sources. The laboratory work will utilize both the students’ own data collected during the course and the data collected in the lecturer's projects.

Course page
02.06-S2-EN-CAQDA n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024

Brief description

Course objectives:

The aim of the course is to familiarize the students with the work-flow and analytical capabilities of the CAQDA software (Atlas.ti). Working on an example of GTM (Grounded Theory Methodology) used by some sociologists it will be possible to learn how to use the software for one’s own analytical use in different approaches of qualitative inquiry, including textual, audio, image or video analysis. The course is nor merely a technical tutorial of using the application, but it is meant to foster methodological discussion working on an example of a research process.

The course is workshop based and it is held in the computer lab.

Course page
02.06-S2-EN-MOSC n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024

Brief description

Course objectives:

The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the principles and skills needed to design and conduct social research. Students should know to plan methods strategies and realize it. Philosophical discussions underlying the empirical inquiry are introduced. Qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques are be taught. During the course student is getting to know the basic methods of social research in their practical application, acquires knowledge and skills in conceptualizing the research, selecting methods, preparing research tools, organizing and conducting empirical research, elaborating and analyzing results. As a result of the course student becomes convicted on the fundamental importance of carrying out social research appropriately, in accordance with determined principles and regulations, in particular with ethical principles.

Course page
02.06-S2-EN-PIER n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
02.06-S2-EN-ST n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
(from 2024-10-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie się z podstawowymi zagadnieniami z zakresu projektowania i realizowania projektów audiowizualnych i multimedialnych. Zapoznanie się z podstawowymi metodami generowania efektów wizualnych oraz wiązania obrazów ruchomych ze ścieżkami audio. Opanowanie podstawowych umiejętności związanych z praktycznym wykorzystaniem oprogramowania umożliwiającego tworzenie obrazu ruchomego i jego postprodukcję także w czasie rzeczywistym. Rozpoznanie metod i zasad tworzenia kompozycji audiowizualnych.

Course page
(from 2025-03-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem przedmiotu jest zapoznanie się ze śrdeniozaawansowanymi zagadnieniami z zakresu przygotowywania i realizacji projektów multimedialnych i audiowizualnych. Zapoznanie się ze śrdeniozaawansowanymi metodami generowania efektów wizualnych oraz wiązania obrazów ruchomych ze ścieżkami audio. Opanowanie średniozaawansowanych umiejętności związanych z praktycznym wykorzystaniem oprogramowania umożliwiającego edycję obrazu ruchomego w czasie rzeczywistym. Rozwijanie umiejętności niezbędnych do tworzenia projektów multimedialnych i audiowizualnych.

Course page
Painting 3 (from 2024-10-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 45 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Kształcenie umiejętności postrzegania problemów malarskich w naturze. Analiza formy, koloru, kompozycji.

Course page
Painting 4 (from 2025-03-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 45 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Rozwijanie umiejętności postrzegania problemów malarskich i definiowania problemów plastycznych. Pogłębianie zdolności analizy formy, koloru, kompozycji i innych wartości plastycznych.

Course page
Painting 5 (from 2024-10-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Rozwijanie indywidualnego języka plastycznego, będącego wynikiem analizy i interpretacji natury oraz obserwacji rzeczywistości.

Postrzeganie problemów plastycznych w naturze, świadomy wybór środków formalnych. Pogłębianie umiejętności postrzegania problemów malarskich, definiowanie problemów plastycznych.

Course page
0202.8-KPL n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 60 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Realizacja interdyscyplinarnych, autorskich projektów artystycznych indywidualnych i grupowych.

Course page
Drawing 3 (from 2024-10-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 45 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Kształcenie i rozwijanie nabytych umiejętności posługiwania się klasycznym warsztatem rysunkowym. Kształtowanie u studentów dalszych umiejętności dostrzegania proporcji, wnikliwego widzenia przestrzeni, umiejętności budowania struktur i brył.

Course page
Drawing 4 (from 2025-03-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 45 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Kształcenie nabytych umiejętności posługiwania się klasycznym warsztatem rysunkowym. Doskonalenie u studentów umiejętności dostrzegania proporcji, wnikliwego widzenia przestrzeni, umiejętności budowania struktur i brył.

Course page
Drawing 5 (from 2024-10-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Rozwijanie indywidualnego języka plastycznego, będącego wynikiem analizy i interpretacji natury oraz obserwacji rzeczywistości na bazie doświadczeń przedmiotowych z poprzednich semestrów nauczania przedmiotu. Rozwijanie postrzegania problemów plastycznych w naturze, świadomy wybór środków formalnych. Pogłębianie umiejętności postrzegania problemów rysunkowych i definiowanie problemów plastycznych.

Course page
Course in modern language (from 2025-03-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Foreign language class - 15 hours
- (from 2025-03-01) Courses for short-term studies

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem zajęć jest poznanie różnych stylów filmu dokumentalnego i

opanowanie technik filmowania i montażu dla filmu dokumentalnego. Rozmowa na temat wyborów reżyserskich w filmie dokumentalnym,

opanowanie przygotowań do projektu dokumentalnego, relacja z bohaterami, produkcja i post-produkcja materiału dokumentalnego. Kurs w języku nowożytnym realizowany na II stopniu studiów to praktyczny konwersatoryjny przedmiot, którego zadaniem jest poszerzenie leksykalnej kompetencji językowej i komunikacyjnej studenta.

Course page
0202.8-PAP n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Cele przedmiotu

Integracja wiedzy z zakresu humanistyki i nauk spolecznych z działanaimi artystycznymi.

Course page
Designing a book (from 2025-03-01)
n/a n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Art workshop - 30 hours
- (from 2025-03-01) Courses for short-term studies

Brief description

(in Polish) Celem kształcenia jest nabycie podstawowej wiedzy i umiejętności w zakresie projektowania publikacji książkowych z elementami projektowania ilustracji. Poznanie i praktyczne stosowanie technik i technologii, umożliwiających samodzielną wypowiedź artystyczną bądź projektową.

Course page
1.2.5-EC-MCUS n/a n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course outlines some aspects of multiculturalism in North America. Canada was the first state that officially announced multiculturalism as its policy (1971) and the US's 'melting pot' was a sort of a multicultural approach even before. Yet, Canada and the US have different approaches to multiculturalism. The course offers some basic insights into multiculturalism understood as a policy of the governmental and federal institutions in Canada and the US to deal with the diversity of cultures, languages, religions, ethnicities, and genders, according to the principles of human rights and social justice.

Course page
1.S2.MLA.16 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description

The course is of an introductory character. Students learn basic categories and procedures of the Western rhetorical tradition and its persuasive possibilities, and its newest versions: visual and digital. However, the practical dimension of rhetoric is preferred throughout the course.

Course page
1.S3.EP.1 n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Winter semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course descripition

The course Speaking 1 improves student conversion skills in English through participation and presentations.

Course page
1.S3.EP.11 n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Winter semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course gives the students introductory practice in English phonetics. It is compatible with practical classes raising students' proficiency level to C1.

Course page
1.S3.EP.12 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course is a continuation of Phonetics 1 course. It gives the students further practice in English phonetics. It is compatible with practical classes raising students' proficiency level to C1.

Course page
1.S3.EP.13 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • self - education - hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • self - education - hours

Brief description

Exam description:

Self-study exam tests students C1 proficiency level in English within four skills – writing, listening, reading and speaking comprehension as well as the use of English

Course page
1.S3.EP.14 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • self - education - hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • self - education - hours

Brief description

Exam description:

Self-study exam tests students C1 proficiency level in English within four skills – writing, listening, reading and speaking comprehension as well as the use of English.

Course page
1.S3.EP.15 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • self - education - hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • self - education - hours

Brief description

Exam description:

Self-study exam tests students C1 proficiency level in English within four skills – writing, listening, reading and speaking comprehension as well as the use of English.

Course page
1.S3.EP.16 n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Winter semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course is a continuation in Practical English development of speaking and writing at C1 level. This course gives students the opportunity to utilise their English skills in various practical conversational communicative activities. This is interspersed with practical writing lessons in a variety of genres and registers. Students are first given the right tools and advice on each genre, followed by the production of a writing assignment in class.

Course page
1.S3.EP.17 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course is a continuation in Practical English development of speaking and writing at C1 level. This course gives students the opportunity to utilise their English skills in various practical conversational communicative activities. This is interspersed with practical writing lessons in a variety of genres and registers. Students are first given the right tools and advice on each genre, followed by the production of a writing assignment in class.

Course page
1.S3.EP.18 n/a n/a
Winter semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Winter semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course offers an opportunity to develop and practice textual analysis skills as well as the opportunity to develop oral and written skills using rhetorical and oratory devices with requireed effect on the audience.

Course page
1.S3.EP.19 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 45 hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 45 hours

Brief description

Course description:

The course focuses on developing students' command of vocabulary at C1 level, improving students' knowledge of English grammar and structures used on the C1 level, and developing exam task-solving techniques.

Course page
1.S3.EP.2 n/a n/a
Summer semestr 2023/2024
  • Class - 30 hours
Summer semestr 2024/2025
  • Class - 30 hours

Brief description

Course descripition:

Speaking 2 is a continuation of Speaking 1. Like its predecessor, it improves conversion skills through participation and presentations.

Course page
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